

Date Published

Emergency department staff knowledge of massive transfusion for trauma: the need for an evidence based protocol.

October 28, 2010

Primary fibrinolysis is integral in the pathogenesis of the acute coagulopathy of trauma.

September 1, 2010

Scoop and run to the trauma center or stay and play at the local hospital: hospital transfer’s effect on mortality.

September 1, 2010

Case-control study on transcatheter artery embolization for massive bleeding due to pelvic fractures. [Article in Chinese]

September 1, 2010

Impact of ABO-identical vs ABO-compatible nonidentical plasma transfusion in trauma patients.

September 1, 2010

Early predictors of morbidity and mortality in trauma patients treated in the intensive care unit.

July 2, 2010

Trauma blood management: avoiding the collateral damage of trauma resuscitation protocols.

July 1, 2010

Multicenter validation of a simplified score to predict massive transfusion in trauma.

July 1, 2010

Impact of policy change on US Army combat transfusion practices.

July 1, 2010

High transfusion ratios are not associated with increased complication rates in patients with severe extremity injuries.

July 1, 2010

Correction of coagulopathy in the setting of acute liver failure.

June 25, 2010

Fresh-frozen plasma transfusion strategy in trauma with massive and ongoing bleeding. Common (sense) and sensibility.

June 21, 2010

Definition and drivers of acute traumatic coagulopathy: clinical and experimental investigations.

June 10, 2010

Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation as a Damage Control Approach in Massive Retroperitoneal Bleeding After Pelvic Fracture.

May 20, 2010

Posttraumatic massive bleeding: a challenging multidisciplinary task.

May 20, 2010

Primum non nocere: limitations of military-derived transfusion recommendations in civilian trauma.

April 24, 2010

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe trauma patients with bleeding shock.

April 7, 2010

Management of bleeding following major trauma: an updated European guideline.

April 6, 2010

The impact of platelets on the progression of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage.

April 1, 2010

Postinjury coagulopathy management: goal directed resuscitation via POC thrombelastography.

April 1, 2010