The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management is at the forefront of the growing pool of knowledge and research on Patient Blood Management.
The Foundation’s charter is to generate, pool, transfer and assisting in the implementation of Patient Blood Management Resources and knowledge. In addition, the Foundation manages access to world-leading practitioners of Patient Blood Management for conferences, consultation and collaboration. IFPBM are constantly updating our Patient Blood Management Resources.
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Our Patient Blood Management Resources
Video Library
The Foundation has produced a series of teaching videos, or ‘modules’, to help you understand Patient Blood Management quickly.
Why Change the Paradigm from Transfusion to Patient Blood Management? This module dentifies 5 key drivers for change, looks at some of the key literature on the topic and introduces the concept of the Three Pillars of Patient Blood Management. Presented by world leading medical, scientific and economic authorities on Patient Blood Management it is compelling viewing. Total running time is 33 mins.
The Three Pillars of Patient Blood Management reviews the basics behind this concept and shows evidence that Patient Blood Management produces better patient outcomes. Presented in a 30-minute documentary-style format, commentators include renowned heart transplant pioneer Dr. Denton Cooley, Prof. Aryeh Shander from New York’s Englewood Hospital and acclaimed heart surgeon Dr. Manuel Estioko. The video also looks at the world-first Australian Patient Blood Management program, set up in Perth, Western Australia.
Other teaching modules, such as ‘The Perfusionist’s role in Patient Blood Management’ focus on specific areas within Patient Blood Management.
Articles Database
Patient Blood Management Resources and knowledge continues to grow. That’s why The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management maintains and contantly updates a searchable Articles Database for continuing education and research. Organised into over 60 categories or sub-categories, the database enables Health Professionals to read peer-reviewed relevant Patient Blood Management articles in just a few clicks.
Other Resources
Other Patient Blood Management Resources for Health Professionals include Patient Blood Management Guidelines and other tools – all reviewed for accuracy and relevance by the IFPBM Scientific Associates.
Speakers Bureau
Take Patient Blood Management learning to a new level by engaging qualifed and experienced speakers to present and workshop Patient Blood Management at your instutution. Connect with the speaker of your choice directly through this website in the Speakers Bureau.