The Patient Blood Management Implementation Process

There are many benefits that come from implementing a Patient Blood Management program into your healthcare system.
The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management’s charter is to provide Patient Blood Management knowledge, advice and support to assist governments, hospitals and other institutions implement a Patient Blood Management program.
Why are leading hospitals committing to Patient Blood Management?
Patient Blood Management means improved quality and safety while saving millions of dollars. The scientific literature* demonstrates that Patient Blood Management strategies impact on key hospital outcomes including:
- Mortality
- Hospital-acquired complications
- Average length of stay
- Readmissions
- Hospital costs
Where to start? Establish your baseline
- How many of the hospital’s transfusions are not compliant with current guidelines?
- What is the range of variation in clinician’s transfusion practice?
- How many patients have not had their anaemia identified and managed in order to minimize the risks and costs associated with transfusion?
- How many patients do not have their bleeding risks assessed and managed prior to intervention (eg. anticoagulant therapy).
The Next Step
- Connect your organization with Patient Blood Management practitioners and health professionals through IFPBM.
- Utilize teaching tools including the IFPBM Video Teaching Modules.
- Link to IFPBM resources including a searchable Articles Database, Patient Blood Management Algorithms, Guidelines, Procedures and Protocols.
- Connect with qualified Patient Blood Management Speakers for conferences or workshops.
* Goodnough. Restrictive transfusion practices are associated with improved patient outcomes.
* Kotze. Effect of a PBM programme
* LaPar. Blood conservation is associated with improved outcomes.