What you should expect from your doctor
Any relationship with your doctor must begin with the premise of mutual trust and a sincere desire to ensure there is positive and constructive communication. You can expect your doctor to give you a clear understanding of your medical problem and the benefits and risks of any treatment being recommended, plus any other treatment options.
You can also expect your doctor to have an awareness of any additional medical problems and aspects of your personal life that may be relevant. Your doctor should also be aware of any Patient Blood Management issues.
What your doctor should expect from you
Your doctor will expect that you have understood your medical problem, the recommended treatment, along with its associated risks. In addition, your doctor would expect you to have asked any questions to ensure that you have understood the medical management recommendations.
Your doctor should also expect to be made aware of any other broader personal, cultural, or social circumstances that may impact your overall clinical management.
If you want further information or clarification
It may be worthwhile to discuss your situation with your local doctor or family.