Poorman GW, Passias PG, Buckland AJ, Jalai CM, Kelly M, Sciubba DM, Neuman BJ, Hamilton DK, Jain A, Diebo B, Lafage V, Bess S, Klineberg EO; Grupo Internacional de Estudos da Coluna (ISSG).
Informações do autor
*Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, Nova Iorque, NY †Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO ‡Department of Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD §Department of Neurlogical Surgery at University of Pittsburgh, Pitssburgh, PA ¶Hospital for Special Surgery, Nova Iorque, NY ||Department of Orthopaedic Surgery UC Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA.